
Anabel Lépine

Anabel Lépine

Login Meet your ActionCOACH Anabel Lépine “My mission is to help your business thrive” Quebec City, QC Anabel Lépine Coming from a line of entrepreneurs, in 2014 I launched the […]

Manon Bolduc

Manon Bolduc

Login Meet your ActionCOACH Manon Bolduc “My mission is to help your business thrive” Quebec, QC Manon Bolduc My professional background After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in business administration, […]

Erick Gilbert

Login Meet your ActionCOACH Erick gilbert “Parce qu’être en affaires DOIT vous offrir une meilleure qualité de vie!” Saguenay, QC erick gilbert Erick est un entrepreneur accompli qui a plus […]

Catherine Lavoie

ActionCOACH Catherine Lavioe with one-on-one client.

Login Meet ActionCOACH “Behind every top performer is a great coach. You deserve one too.” Montreal, QC Catherine Lavoie Catherine est coach d’affaires certifiée et propriétaire de la Firme ActionCoach […]